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Копітас спіраль 50 мл – 6 шт

690 UAH

Article: N/A ,

The volume is 50 ml
Diameter - 8 cm
Height - 3 cm

Kopitas spiral, 50 ml is a small cup from which you drink mezcal - a traditional Mexican alcoholic drink, or sake - a Japanese rice tincture, both drinks embody ancient traditions and a unique character. The cup gives you the opportunity to feel the true soul and taste of drinks, allowing you to immerse yourself in the world of refined flavors and an unparalleled mood.

The product not only has an unusual design, but is also functional and durable, as it is heat resistant, so you can pour a hot drink into it without worry, and it is also dishwasher safe. These vessels are typically used for serving mezcal or sake, but you can use them for many other drinks as well.

Copitas are an integral part of the cultural experience of Mexicans and Japanese and embody many centuries of tradition and history, which is why these cups are suitable as a gift for a loved one who loves unusual and exclusive things. We strive to provide you not only with the highest quality, but also with the possibility of creative expression through such exclusive tableware as kopitas.

Our store has a lot of different dishes for serving drinks, so everyone will find something for themselves here for their individual needs and will be able to diversify the bar with unique and original dishes. Easily and quickly create unparalleled cocktails and pump up your professional skills.

Use only professional stock and equipment in your bar, restaurant, hotel and home bar.

Can be washed in a dishwasher, as the product is heat resistant

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


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      Ми розуміємо, що це підвищення може здатися значним, але воно мінімально вплине на вартість ваших напоїв. Розрахункове зростання собівартості складе в середньому 50 копійок на один коктейль.

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