Routin spritz syrup

641 UAH

Article: N/A ,

1883 Maison Routin Spritz syrup is characterized by a bright color and a bouquet of sunny citrus in the aroma, thanks to which it provides a delicate honey-sweet taste for an aromatic journey with accents of la dolce vita. In terms of intensity, it emphasizes the aromas of citrus fruits, with notes of peel and pulp, reminiscent of the delicate pulp of fruit.

Routin is a French syrup manufacturer with 140 years of experience, which has invested all its passion in developing taste solutions of an extremely high standard. The source of this experience is the alpine water that originates at the foot of Mont Blanc. It is a key ingredient that gives products unparalleled purity and ensures flawless taste stability.

Only cane sugar is used to produce the syrups to ensure a natural, consistent sweetness, as well as a precise balance between sweetness and taste.

The assortment of the brand includes more than 120 flavors. AromaSensoris Palette, unique in the world, is an exclusive tool of the company. It helps identify and quantify 70 precise aroma notes – elements of syrup that accurately reproduce taste, texture and aroma. In addition, this palette is constantly evolving thanks to the discoveries, innovations and achievements of the team. This tool guarantees unwavering precision and balance of flavors.

Like mixology, syrup is an art. The art of creating, inspiring and sharing unique and extremely ephemeral tastes. The purpose of the brand is to raise the art of mixology to a new level thanks to the production of high-quality syrups and toppings. And baristas and bartenders around the world bring this idea of constant creativity to life through their ingenuity and skill.


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