Сироп солона карамель Monin (ПЕТ)

652 UAH

Article: N/A ,

Monin Salted Caramel syrup is the most popular product in the category of sweet flavoring additives.

Due to its versatility, caramel syrup from the famous French manufacturer is used by many confectioners, bartenders and baristas. In addition, any housewife will appreciate the numerous advantages of this product when used at home.

Monin Salted Caramel French syrup is very popular as an additive to jelly, ice cream, fruit salads, various creams, as well as hot and cold drinks (tea, coffee, soda, lemonade, etc.)

In the bar industry, this syrup has no equal! Based on caramel delicacies, bartenders around the world prepare excellent alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

Monin Caramel syrup sounds especially good in mixes based on dark rum, cognac or whiskey.

Monin Caramel French Syrup, presented in a convenient liter bottle, has a beautiful chestnut color, a sweet aroma with notes of creamy caramel and a deep taste with hints of sweet toffee.


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