Сироп пряних червоних ягід Monin

536 UAH

Article: N/A ,

Monin syrup has a unique aromatic complexity created by various fruit juices and spices. It has a wide range of applications and opens the door to new flavor combinations.

Syrup is the main ingredient for making mulled wine, alcoholic or non-alcoholic. It can also be used to add sharpness to lemonades, cold tea, original and classic cocktails.

History of the manufacturer: Monin liqueurs and syrups were founded by Jord Monin in 1912 in the historic city of Bourges, France. The place for production was not chosen by chance. The town of Bourges is close to traditional agricultural areas where wonderful fruits are grown. From the very beginning, Monin products were characterized by the highest quality, so George's slogan "La Passion de la Qualite" ("Passion for quality") became the company's motto. In 1930, the company began to expand its borders, liqueurs and syrups began to be made on the basis of tropical fruits from Morocco, Tunisia, the Caribbean islands, and West Africa. This is how Monin becomes a world leader in the production and sale of syrups, liqueurs, aperitifs and non-alcoholic cocktails.

In 1993, the Monin company became a member of the prestigious International Association of Bartenders "IBA", in 1994 it won the Grand Prix from "European Excellence" for excellence in production. In 1996, the company confirmed its high reputation by winning three gold medals at the International Cocktail Competition in Tokyo. The company's products were used in the recipes of three official "IBA" cocktails, awarded the highest awards.

Advantages of Monin syrups:

  • is produced on the basis of natural ingredients - nuts, spices and natural sugar
  • a wide range of syrups for cocktails, coffee, lemonades, tea, smoothies, milkshakes and baking
  • expressiveness and persistence of taste and aroma
  • absence of fat, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors
  • resistance to high temperatures
  • long storage period (up to 3 years)


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