Сироп маракуйя Routin

628 UAH

Article: N/A ,

Syrup 1883 with the taste of passion fruit 1l - perfectly harmonizes when added to coffee, lemonades, cocktails, desserts, ice cream.

Maison Routin 1883 flavored syrups are considered to be among the highest quality syrups in the world, using artesian water from the French Alps. Rutin syrups contain only natural extracts without artificial flavors and dyes.

1883 Maison Routin is a brand from France that gave the world a huge number of premium syrups. This brand is well known and respected by professional chefs, confectioners, bartenders and baristas. The year the brand was founded is indicated in the name, and the creator is the herbalist Philibert Rutin. The first product of Maison Routin in 1883 was Chambery vermouth, which included herbs collected in the French Alps.

In 1902, drinks of this brand began to win international awards, and in the second half of the 20th century, the owners of the company decided to expand the range of balms. In 1990, the 1883 Maison Routin factory was opened, where syrups were created based on pure alpine water, fructose, natural extracts and juices. The company also has its own laboratory. Today, the products of the French brand are known far beyond Europe.


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