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Склянка Krosno 300 мл Pure

396 UAH

Article: N/A ,

The volume is 250 ml
Height - 95 mm
The diameter is 80 mm

The 250 ml Pure glass is an exquisite example of modern tableware that combines aesthetics, practicality and high quality. This glass is designed to meet the highest demands for serving drinks, making every drink special. It is suitable for serving various drinks - from water, juice or lemonade to cocktails and spirits. Thanks to its universal volume of 250 ml, the Pure glass will be an ideal choice both for everyday use at home and for special events.

The glass is made of high-quality transparent glass, which ensures its strength and durability. The use of premium materials ensures that the glass will retain its flawless appearance even after repeated use. Transparent glass allows you to fully enjoy the color and texture of the drink, giving the serving a touch of sophistication. Pure glass does not cloud over time, is not subject to scratches and mechanical damage, making this glass a reliable choice for long-term use.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


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