Шпажки “Кольорові верхівки” 12 см

160 UAH

Article: N/A ,

Multicolored wooden cocktail skewers 12 cm, 100 pcs. are small wooden sticks with a sharp end, which are used for attaching vegetables, fruits, cheeses and other snacks during serving or cooking. These miniature accessories will become indispensable assistants in creating stylish and original cocktail compositions.

Skewers are available in different sizes and materials, such as stainless steel, bamboo or wood, making them versatile for any need. They can be simple or decorated with various decorative elements, which adds to their aesthetic appeal. Skewers are available in all sizes and designs, allowing you to match them to any style of serving.

Skewers add elegance and style to your drinks, creating the right atmosphere. Thanks to the skewers, your cocktails will be not only tasty, but also aesthetically appealing, making them ideal for special occasions and parties. Enjoy your creativity and experiment with various skewer options to create unique compositions for your bar menu!

In our store there are many different accessories for serving cocktails, so everyone will find something for themselves here for their individual needs. Easily and quickly create unsurpassed cocktails and pump up your professional skills with us.


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