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З найкращими побажаннями, The Parovoz Chips team
Важлива інформація - графік роботи на новорічні свята

Passion fruit puree Monin

1,022 UAH

Article: N/A ,

Monin Passion Fruit Puree is a natural puree made from ripe passion fruit.
Non-alcoholic product.


Advantages of products from the Monin brand:

Use of branded products Monin is the key to a number of benefits that will make your culinary and cocktail experiments extremely tasty and impressive.

High Quality Ingredients: Monin uses only the best natural ingredients to ensure the unsurpassed taste and quality of its products.

Wide Range of Flavors: Whether you are looking for cocktail syrups, lemonade bases or other products, Monin offers a variety of flavors to fulfill any idea.

Innovative solutions: The brand constantly improves its recipes and offers innovative products to meet the needs of modern gourmets and bartenders.

Ease of Use: Monin products are very easy to use, making them ideal for home and professional use.

World Recognition: Monin is a recognized leader in the world of syrups and beverages, which guarantees you the highest quality standard.

Choose Monin to give your creations a taste edge that will remain in the memory.


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