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Важлива інформація - графік роботи на новорічні свята

Sea buckthorn powder

175 UAH

Article: N/A

"Sea Buckthorn Powder: Freshness and Richness of Vitamins for Your Foods and Drinks"

Our sea buckthorn powder is a real wealth for your health and taste. It is intended for those who value naturalness and want to improve the taste and benefits of their food and drinks.

This powder is designed to give your culinary creations the unsurpassed aroma and taste of sea buckthorn. It gives your dishes and drinks a bright yellow-brown color and a sweet-sour aroma that will amaze your taste buds.

Sea buckthorn powder is not just an ingredient, it is a source of vitamins and antioxidants that contribute to maintaining your health. We make it from fresh sea buckthorn berries, preserving all the useful substances without the remains of chemical impurities.

The composition of our powder is 100% sea buckthorn, without any artificial additives or preservatives. Add it to yogurt, smoothies, cocktails, desserts or croissants, and you will feel all the power and taste of this natural raw material.

Choose sea buckthorn powder to make your meals and drinks even tastier and healthier. Immerse yourself in the world of taste and health with our sea buckthorn powder.


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