Easy Foam Quillaja Bark Bitter

500 UAH

Article: NF-00000109

Easy Foam Quillaja Bark Bitter - an alternative to using egg whites for making cocktails with lush, dense and glossy foam. Easyfoam is based on natural extract from the bark of the evergreen Quillaya Saponaria. The plant is rich in saponins, surface-active substances that form the foam from the cocktail itself. Saponins are contained in many plants and products that are actively used in the food industry, pharmaceuticals and perfumery. Easyfoam does not contain alcohol and gluten, suitable for vegans.
Ingredients: Quillaja saponaria extract, glucose syrup

Application: to prepare cocktails with lush foam (sauer, fizz, etc.), it is enough to add 2-4 drops (0.2 ml) to a shaker for one cocktail. Shake in a shaker with ice and strain into a glass. For maximum effect, shake without ice before or after a shake with ice, or with a bar mixer.

The shelf life is 1 year.
Store at room temperature +5 +25°C away from direct sunlight.
Volume 100 ml = 500 cocktails.

Easyfoam is a product created by bartenders with bartenders in mind, as well as chefs and cocktail enthusiasts.


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