Джигер литий містер Слім

695 UAH

Article: N/A ,

Volume - 1/2 oz
Portions - 10, 20, 30, 45 ml

The Mr. Slim 1/2oz Jigger is a measuring cup specially designed for precise measurement of liquids, made of high quality steel, polished to a shine. This is one of the most useful tools of a bartender, which makes the preparation of cocktails exactly according to the recipe, thanks to which you will definitely not make a mistake in the proportions.

The jigger replaced the pouring, previously the bartenders poured the ingredients by eye, due to their professionalism they kept the proportions, but today's cocktail recipes require more accurate pouring and the jiggers have become an indispensable accessory in the bar.

The term jigger appeared in the 19th century in the USA - then a jigger was informally called a unit of alcohol volume of 2 fluid ounces or 60 ml, as well as a glass in which a portion of alcohol was served.

The jigger is made of high-quality steel, which makes it practically immortal, functional in operation, designed for professional use in restaurants and bars. The product has the shape of an hourglass, which significantly speeds up and facilitates the measurement of small volumes and increases accuracy.

In our store, you can find jiggers not only made of metal, but also made of glass and plastic. Use only professional inventory and equipment in the professional bar, restaurant, hotel and at home in the home bar.

Wash by hand under running water. Do not wash in the dishwasher.

Resistant to corrosion and rust.


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