Sublimate and candied

Cocktail charm: the benefits of using freeze-dried berries

At the request of modern global cuisine, favorite fruits and berries retain their natural properties thanks to the sublimation process. If you are looking for the freshest and tastiest freeze-dried berries in Kyiv, we offer you a wide selection of quality products that preserve all the nutrients of fresh berries.

Sublimated berries have become an integral part of culinary masterpieces. They are easy to use and perfect for a variety of dishes, from cocktails to desserts. Add them to salads, yogurts, ice cream or make homemade desserts - and you will get the freshness and aroma of fresh berries at any time of the year. The ParovozChips store offers high-quality freeze-dried berries that leave an unsurpassed taste and useful properties.

A large selection of sublimated berries in Kyiv from ParovozChips

Ukrainians choose sublimated berries from ParovozChips for their versatility and high quality. These berries can be added to any dish - they retain their natural freshness, aroma and useful properties. In addition, this store guarantees quality and affordable prices, which makes the purchase of freeze-dried berries even more attractive for lovers of tasty and healthy dishes.

  1. Sublimated raspberry - a great option for desserts or smoothies.
  2. Whole blackberry - ideal for juices and teas.
  3. Strawberries are whole - perfectly complements cocktails and ice cream.
  4. Strawberries in slices - also perfectly complements various cocktails and ice cream.

Sublimated berries in Kyiv: taste luxury and usefulness in Koznia

Sublimated berries are a real treasure for culinary creations and experiments. Their use in cocktails, desserts and main dishes opens up endless possibilities for creativity and enrichment of taste sensations.

Using sublimated berries in cocktails and dishes is not only a tasty addition, but also a way to benefit from the vitamins and antioxidants that are preserved during the sublimation process. Thanks to this, your dishes not only acquire a new taste, but also become useful for health.

These sublimated berries not only retain their natural taste and aroma, but also have numerous useful properties:

  • Rich in vitamins - store vitamins C and A, which support immunity and skin health.
  • The low number of calories is an ideal choice for people who follow their figure and want to experience the taste of fresh berries.

If you need more vitamins and taste, our store offers variety fruit chips and candied fruit. They make a great addition to your diet and provide a tasty way to get the nutrients you need.

Buy freeze-dried berries right now in Kyiv, or order from another city in Ukraine. Use them in the creation of the most delicious cocktails and desserts, as well as in your daily diet to get all the benefits of these natural treasures without leaving your home!

Candied fruits: Variety of tastes and useful properties

Welcome to the world of limitless possibilities of taste and benefit! The store of bar supplies and eco-products in Kyiv invites you to discover unique candied fruits that will turn your culinary experiments into real pleasure.

When you buy from ParovozChips, you get not only products of the highest quality, but also the opportunity to enjoy the real taste. We are located in Kyiv, but we deliver our products to any corner of Ukraine.

Types of candied fruits in the ParovozChips store

Buying candied fruit is not only a tasty addition to your meal, but also an extremely useful ingredient. They are able to transform ordinary dishes into masterpieces of culinary art. Treat yourself to new taste sensations by experimenting with candied fruits in cocktails, salads, or desserts.

We present to your attention a unique assortment of candied fruits from the ParovozChips online store. We offer a wide selection of candied fruits:

  1. Candied pineapple.
  2. Candied ginger.
  3. Assorted candies.
  4. Cherry tomatoes.
  5. Dried kumquat.
  6. Dried mango.

Candied pineapple and ginger are real leaders in their kind. They add not only a special taste, but also have useful properties for health. Such candied fruits are great for use in baking, desserts or as an independent treat to satisfy a sweet tooth.

Assorted candied fruits, dried cherry tomatoes, kumquats and dried mangoes are a cocktail of a variety of flavors that will tell their own unique stories in each dish.

Intense flavors that captivate: your candies at ParovozChips

The multifaceted taste of candied fruits amazes even the most demanding sweets lovers. Those who are looking for uniqueness in culinary experiments prefer candied fruits. They use these color inspirations to create unparalleled dishes and desserts.

Plus, when you buy candied fruit, you get the perfect addition to cocktails. Their bright color and aroma add a unique charm to drinks. Add a few candied fruits to your favorite cocktail - and enjoy a new taste experience!

Order candied fruits online to open new horizons of taste and enjoy unique dishes. If there are not enough candied fruits, pay attention to fruit chips, or freeze-dried berries. Let's open a world of new culinary experiences together.

Sublimated berries are berries from which water has been removed by the sublimation method, while preserving the taste, aroma and useful properties. This process allows you to extend the shelf life of berries and preserve their nutritional and beneficial properties.
They are used for various culinary needs: in drinks, desserts, cocktails or as an additive to dishes, preserving their useful properties and giving products a bright taste.
Sublimated berries can be used for cocktails, desserts or as a snack, retaining many vitamins and antioxidants.
In our store, prices for sublimates range from UAH 170 to UAH 210 for 50 g of the product.
Candied fruits are prepared by soaking fruits in sugar syrup, after which they are dried.
The catalog presents candied pineapple, ginger, dried kumquat, dried mango, cherry tomatoes and assorted.
Multicolored candied fruits are made from different fruits that are processed in multicolored sugar syrups or dyed with the help of natural dyes, giving them a bright appearance.
One of the best places in Kyiv is ParovozChips online store. We ship goods anywhere in Ukraine, and our assortment is impressive.
We offer a price for candied fruit in the range from UAH 145 to UAH 175 per 500g.
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